
♥ Sunday, May 27, 2007♥

finally over and done with my exams!!! *skips ard*

honestly, i forsee a reali mediocre grades this... hoping to clear every one of them so i wont have to da bao next yr... *crosses ma fingerss* just worried for managerial econs... the only comforting fact's that every other person i asked said it was difficult... so.. jus hopin for the best..

and.. for slacking so damn much this yr, my resolution for my final yr's to be CONSISTENT... notes written after the lecturer covers a topic...

exams over, now wad? well a whole of lot excitement awaits me..

starting wk on 30th.. at toh tuck... and prolly training 3 times a week, in preparation for div 2 happening in mid june.. shit that's like in 2 weeks? hmmm ...

till then, its zoukkk this wed!! :) yes yes, i reckon the whole world'll be there... but for the fun of it and my boyy.. i agreed to go with him.. its our 8th mth on that day anyway :)
